Fresh Flowers and Fresh Starts
Fresh flowers are a joy to paint. Their sweet little faces are such a thing of hope. At the time of writing this it is spring so there is an abundance of new blooms about.
But the reality is that new blooms appear year round. Seemingly eternal geraniums, marigolds in summer and plumbago in autumn. Even snow will not deter the little snowdrop.
It is this relentless optimism that I adore. The stuff of fresh starts. An endless string of new beginnings if necessary.
There is such relief in that idea, isn’t there?
These little blooms remind me of the persistence of hope. They seem to prove that there is always the chance to begin again.
Doesn’t it always seem like there is a new habit you are trying to form?
From a consistent sketchbook practice, to a daily step goal or learning to meditate there is always something to be working towards.
Fresh Flowers no 7 Abundance (Watercolour on paper, 9"x 12")
A good thing, of course, to be constantly improving. Conventional wisdom is to make sure you don’t ‘break the chain’ as Jerry Seinfeld famously counselled.
That’s sound advice, of course. Doesn’t make you feel marvellous when that chain does break though. With the best will in the world, life happens. So we also need a helpful way to approach this rather likely eventuality.
I think it is this - the important thing is not that the chain has broken but how quickly a new one begins.
“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
Fresh Flowers no 2 - (Watercolour on paper, 9"x 12")
Let’s take a cue from nature and remember that a fresh start is always there for the taking.
The chance to begin again.
No guilt at having faltered, just hopeful persistence.