The Wonderful World of Online Art Classes

I joined Jane Davenport's glorious school for creative souls, a while ago. I am so pleased that I have found Lovely Jane. Mostly I was so pleased to have found other people like me - all wanting to learn to draw but not really knowing how or where to start. I signed up to the Draw Happy Workshop and never looked back.

Watching Lovely Jane's fun videos in this introductory workshop and doodling away this little face appeared. I know its a funny little quick sketch, but it was a bit of an 'aha' moment for me. Everything seemed a bit easier, more possible and much more fun. As soon as I saw this little face staring at me I signed up to Jane's next class, Supplies Me, to learn more, and have been taking online classes ever since.

That was over a year ago, but it was the beginning for me. This year I have joined Lifebook 2014 and I am so excited about it! Seems like a jolly good way to help me put regular hours into my 10 000 hour endeavour. Will post my first week's work for Lifebook next.


The obstacle of the blank page....


The Fertile Void